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MPS Director Aisha Carr denounces the politics, fear, power, and control of Teacher’s Union in MPS

MPS Director Aisha Carr denounces the politics, fear, power, and control of Teacher’s Union in MPS

MARCH 29, 2023

MILWAUKEE, WI – On Thursday, March 9, 2023, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors’ Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation voted to approve Resolution 2223R- 016, which prompted a Feasibility Study for a Modified and innovative school model to improve academic outcomes in reading and mathematics as well as offer paid apprenticeship opportunities and mental health services for MPS students. The proposal also included exploring innovative models to provide Teachers with more professional development and planning time. At this meeting, the President of the MTEA (Teacher’s Union) Amy Mitzialko, spoke out against the proposal and verbally attacked Director Carr in an enraged, volatile manner, yelling fallacies and inaccurate information to evoke fear and discourage support of the proposal. The Resolution moved forward to the Regular Board meeting but was then voted down with only one present Board Member in support of the proposal – Director Marcela “Xela” Garcia. The Board meeting on Thursday, March 23, 2023, was well attended with almost 80 members present in support of Director Carr’s proposal, representing many communities throughout the City of Milwaukee.

“The failures of black children and black communities are profitable! This study was my attempt to righteously serve my Constituents and send a message to people throughout the City of Milwaukee, letting them know that I stand with them and share their disappointment too. It was also my attempt to bring innovative changes to the District given the urgent need for more improved academic and social outcomes. Given that black students are disproportionately represented in almost every category that reflects the failures of the systems that serve them, I am appalled that my colleagues voted against this proposal instead of accepting my offer to collaborate and engage in this work collectively. Shame on Director Ericka Siemsen, Director Marva Herndon, Board President Bob Peterson, Director Megan O’Halloran, and Director Jilly Gokalgandhi for ignoring the voices and cries of black students, teachers, families, and communities. Your decision to vote against this Resolution and abruptly leave the Board stage to avoid public accountability is reflective of the harsh and prevalent realities of institutional racism and the void of equity and equality in public education democracy in a system that serves over 80% black students. With 14% of our students proficient in Reading and 8% proficient in Mathematics; youth violence and suicide rates soaring; and, the unfortunate demise of so many black communities throughout Milwaukee, it’s imperative that Taxpayers pay attention to and members accountable for the lack of academic and social progress in Milwaukee Public Schools. I also urge Taxpayers to ignore the racist and slanderous tactics of Amy Mitzialko of the MTEA Teacher’s Union because anyone or any entity who will fight so hard to maintain the social and academic failures of black students and Teachers is an absolute enemy of the people, privatizer, and doesn’t deserve the right to represent any body of people, especially our most vulnerable population — children. This is ‘Call-To-Action’ to every concerned community member who cares about the sustainability of our public schools, children, Teachers, families, and communities. Those of us who are sick and tired of being sick and tired and demand urgent change in our public educational system must show up, demand immediate changes, and elect a Board of leaders beholden to children and not politics” states Director Carr.

Director Aisha Carr will be hosting a Press Conference on Friday, March 31, 2023, at 4:00 PM, at MPS Central Offices located at 5225 West Vliet Street. Following that, she will be hosting a Citywide Townhall on Monday, April 3, 2023, at 5:30 PM, at Washington High School. All are encouraged and welcomed to attend to learn about Director Carr’s Citywide MPS ‘Call-to-Action’.

Contact: School Board Director Aisha Carr at 414-750-7294 or

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